Lorenzo's Progress Log

This is where I keep track of my sewing projects. Feel free to email me with any comments or questions.

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Sep 22, 2005

Linings And Wings
Between last night and today I've put on both shoulder wings and the lining for the body and half of the collar. The wings were constructed as a simple fish shape, folded in half. I put a seam about 3/8" in from the folded edge for the little clipped loopy decoration, and quilted a layer of quilt batting into the rest of the wing. For the belly padding I ended up building up what I wanted out of several layers of quilt batting. at its thickest each pad is only about 5/8" thick. I stitched the layers together enough to hold everything in place and then sewed each pad onto the lining. I decided to use the same red cotton for the lining that I used to flatline the velveteen pieces. This thing is going to be somewhat warm, but it feels very sturdy and there are mo unsightly bulges on the front.

After I finish the collar lining, next on the list will be the sleeves, then the skirt, binding the bottom edge, and the lacing strip. Somewhere in there I'll have to do buttons and buttonholes. The buttons are going to be thread covered like the others I've done, except with just a knot of thread at the top instead of another bead. I'm also going to do a few less buttons, to match the portrait.
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