Lorenzo's Progress Log

This is where I keep track of my sewing projects. Feel free to email me with any comments or questions.

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Sep 22, 2005

Corset Progress
I used the instructions here to draft the corset pattern, and it was very close on the first try. After finally making time to fit it, I only had to shift the strap angle a little bit and take a couple inches off the center front. I'm going to finish the front opening last so I can make any necessary adjustments there before doing the lacing holes.

I finally got back in the mood to sew when I saw a good deal on boning materials at Wal-Mart. Between sales and discounts due to incorrect scanning, both brooms cost about 5 bucks. Judicious application of a hacksaw got the straw separated from the handle. I removed all but one row of stitching, leaving the last row to keep the straw together until I needed it.

I started boning on the back section, using a similar method to what I had done before. I Put a line of stitches even with the bustline to delineate the top edge of the boning. i then put in eight channels, each about 1 1/4" wide and open at the bottom. I filled each channel with a small bunch of straw. I oriented the straw with the narrower ends at the top to try to keep a smooth line across the back. After filing each channel, I sewed through each channel to create three smaller channels, as you can see here.

After getting the channels finished, I started binding the edges with strips ripped from the same muslin that the rest of the corset is made of. I cut the tabs and bound the straw with thread to hold it in place until I got the edging sewn on. It didn't take too long, but it took a fair amount of wrestling to get the edging around the corners. The results can be seen here.
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