Lorenzo's Progress Log

This is where I keep track of my sewing projects. Feel free to email me with any comments or questions.

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Sep 22, 2005

A Good Excuse
There are always lots of discussions going on about corsetry and I like to stick my nose in them. In reality, however, I've only made a couple corsets and those were years ago. Since everyone seems to be making effigy corsets these days, I decided to try my hand at one. A corset is no use without a dress, though, so I need to make something to go over it as well. I've had this lovely silver and green brocade set aside for my wife for ages. It should do nicely for the gown. I also have some of the striped green silk left from the black trunk hose that I can use for a forepart unless I find something I like better. Here's a sketch of the initial plan.

I plan to follow my own advice for the corset, which is to bone it with broom straw. I initially was going to include a busk, but I think I'd like to do something with that convex curve at the front. I don't have many unusual plans for the gown, though much of it will involve things I've never done before (at least not correctly). The sleeves I plan to make wide for maximum comfort. Ideally the same smock that goes under the Flemish gown will work here, especially if I make separate wrist ruffs and attach them to these sleeves. The neck ruff will be taken care of by a new partlet. I want it to actually be sheer, so I may shell out for a decent piece of linen or silk. The brocade pattern just cries out to be beaded, so I may actually do some embellishment for once. I'll also get to use my thrift store jewelry and all the pearl strands I've been collecting.
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