Lorenzo's Progress Log

This is where I keep track of my sewing projects. Feel free to email me with any comments or questions.

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Sep 22, 2005

Kirtle Again
I put the hooks on the kirtle. It's still a little gappy at the waist, but I don't think there's much else I can do except let out the back seams. I'm not going to worry about it. I managed to finish the farthingale, and it definitely improves the line of the skirt. It's got some issues of its own, though. It's easiest to see in the picture of the farthingale itself: there are a few big waves in the hoops. If anyone knows of a good way to get rid of them, let me know. For now, I've got the whole thing hanging up from a hook. Maybe gravity will do the trick. Next on the list is drafting the doublet pattern.
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