Lorenzo's Progress Log

This is where I keep track of my sewing projects. Feel free to email me with any comments or questions.

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Sep 22, 2005

Pourpoint: Patterning
The original plan was to simply reinforce the old ugly tunic with some padding so I could keep the padded skirt, but the more I thought about it the less I liked the idea. So I started patterning a proper pourpoint. I made a duct tape pattern, drawing out the grandes assiettes armscye with a seam under the arm and a seam at the back of the arm. I've assembled the lining already and it seems quite promising. The sleeves will be padded all the way through the elbow, so I can do away with ugly elbow pads. The padding will be cut from cheap bath towels acquired at Big Lots for $2.99 each. I will also add a shorter padded skirt to the bottom, with lacing holes to attach the new legs once I build them.
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